Iron Wall Tactics by Justin Livi

by admin on April 23, 2012, no comments


Iron Wall Tactics is a tactical SRPG by Justin Livi for his Interactive Arts Thesis. The game features six unique classes and races, each with its own balanced abilities and role. This is a demo of the story and battle mechanics.

[kml_flashembed movie=”wp-content/plugins/kimili-flash-embed/lib/iron.swf” height=”480″ width=”640″ /]

Taco Night 2 / Submit Work Now

by admin on February 9, 2012, no comments


On March 30th your lives will change once agin, for we will be having the 2nd IDA juried show to showcase the wonderful work you all have been producing over the last year. Oh and we be having tacos, lots and lots of tacos…

Here are questions you might be asking yourself:

1. Why Taco Night?
This is not a reasonable question. Everybody loves tacos, tacos are interactive,tacos are the future.

2. What kind of work can I submit?
The work must be within the focus of the department ( New Media, Sound, Games, etc ) if you are unsure just ask.

3. What kind of Tacos can I expect at this night of ours?
Let your imagination run free…though there will be meat and veggie options.

4. Where will the show be?
217/the hallway facing mount royal/208 and will have an opening reception on March 30th.

5. Can I submit more than one piece?
Can you eat more than one taco?

6. How many pieces will be the show?
This depends on the nature of the pieces, the number of submissions and the quality of the work.

7. When is the submission deadline?
February 23rd at midnight…

8. How do I submit work….
To submit a piece please include:
– documentation of the piece ( code, video , photo, soundfiles etc)
– a project description
– an equipment list for installation of the piece.

Please zip up these files and send them to

9. Why am I hungry?
This is also not a reasonable question, though perhaps you are beginning to understand the suggestive power of the taco.

10. If you have any questions please contact:

Hive by Jasper Crocker, Margo Sikes,+more

by admin on February 2, 2012, no comments

Hive is a table top game created by Jasper Crocker, Margo Sikes, Sean Ostrowski and Isaac Wong, all students in the IDA department’s GamePlay course. The game is about capturing territory by chaining together your pieces while defending your pieces against the other player’s movements.

Jason Sloan – Signal to Noise Exhibition

by admin on February 2, 2012, no comments


MICA will present SIGNALto.NOISE, an exhibition featuring sonic stimulation created by our very own jason.sloan, the coordinator for the Sound Art Concentration from Friday, Jan. 27 through Sunday, March 11 in Bunting Center’s Pinkard Gallery (1401 W. Mount Royal Ave.).

IDA1 Headers on view…

by admin on December 8, 2011, no comments


Look up, students in IDA1 made a series of interactive headers for the IDA homepage. The students used Processing.js and their new found programming skills to make some funny games, designs and algorithmic animations. After the holidays there will be a randomized header but until then IDA sophmore Yoon Hur has locked it down with the holiday cheer.